3 Ways A Cosmetic Dentist Creates Straight Teeth

It’s no secret that everyone in New York City probably wants a brighter, more beautiful smile. Your smile says a lot about you to the world whether you like it or not. A naturally beautiful-looking smile tells people you are smart, organized, clean, and often, that you are financially well off. People with beautiful teeth tend to be more outgoing, are probably in a relationship, and statistically, have good jobs.

Here are 3 ways cosmetic dentists can help you get that “million-dollar” smile you’ve been chasing.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is the most inexpensive way to improve the appearance of your smile. In-office teeth whitening can whiten your teeth up to 8 shades in one visit and usually only takes about 1 hour!


At No Limits Dental, we see people come in with stained teeth and lower self-confidence. After seeing their new smile in the mirror, their attitude changes, and they leave more confident.


The biggest downfall to teeth whitening is the sensitivity issue. At our Manhattan office, we use the highest concentration of whitening-solution on the market. The good news is, when you start “feeling it”, your teeth are already whiter.


One of the questions I get often is “can teeth whitening hurt my teeth permanently”? The answer is NO.


The sensitive feeling you get will go away. It usually subsides within the day but can last up to 3 days. So the downside to whitening is temporary but the results can last for up to a year or more depending on your diet and hygiene.



Another way cosmetic dentists upgrade your smile is by fitting you with Invisalign Aligners.


From the day your first teeth come in, your teeth are constantly shifting. As you get older, your teeth move and they may not shift to a position you like. That’s why some people come into our midtown office saying “my teeth weren’t always in this position. I think they’re shifting.” Aside from the annoying appearance of crooked teeth, crooked teeth also lead to a bad bite which can cause jaw pain, chipped teeth, and other issues.


Very often people with crooked teeth have chipped front teeth from their bad bite. The good news is, Invisalign is the adult way to straighten your teeth and put them back where they are supposed to be. In our office, most treatment takes 3-4 months to complete. They are almost invisible so you won’t see them in pictures and you can take them off when you need to brush and floss, making them more hygienic and attractive than traditional braces.


The con to Invisalign is you must wear retainers every night to maintain the results.


Unfortunately, orthodontists in the past never told patients to wear their retainer every night forever, which is why everyone thinks retainers are temporary. The truth is if you want to keep your teeth straight and in place you need to protect them with a nightly retainer.


Porcelain Veneers

Believe it or not, the best, and most cost-effective way to get that perfect smile is porcelain crowns and veneers. A lot of people are under the misconception that veneers are only for the rich and famous, fortunately, technology has made it more affordable over time.


With crowns and veneers, we can design the perfect smile for you right here in our New York City office. The best part about crowns and veneers is that the results last! No need to touch up the color of your teeth in a year. Crowns can even protect your teeth from cavities! Your teeth will stay pearly white and continue looking beautiful.


Porcelain is a very durable restoration. I won’t say it lasts forever because nothing lasts forever but there is generally very little maintenance required. Most veneers last 10-30 years. The benefit of porcelain is that it protects your teeth. So if you are someone prone to cavities, then crowns are probably the way to go. On average patients who invest in crowns and veneers have little to no follow-up dental problems in the future.


We also use porcelain to rebuild missing enamel in ways that filling material simply can’t. In today’s modern world we can design crowns and veneers that look very natural and require very little (and in some cases no) removal of additional tooth structure.


The downside of crowns and veneers is they cost more than fillings but as stated before they last decades. So if you are someone looking for the ultimate smile. Someone who wants to boost your confidence. Someone who wants to transform, the best way to go is with porcelain crowns and veneers.


If any of these options sound good to you, let us know! We are always looking for the next smile transformation and you could be it. We specialize in cosmetic dentistry in Midtown and would love to show you what is possible.

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